Liturgical Ministries |
Altar Servers
The role of the Altar Server is to assist the Presider during Mass. Children in Grade 3 and older who have received their 1st Communion are able to serve in this ministry. Art and Environment This team works together to create an atmosphere that enhances our celebrations by decorating the Sanctuary for weekend Masses and special occasions. (Lent, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.). Sacristans Sacristans are responsible for preparing the Church for the celebration of the Eucharist and they ensure all the Ministry positions have been filled prior to the Mass. Music Ministry People involved in this ministry provide accompaniment and singing for regular weekend Masses and special celebrations. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The primary function of an Extraordinary Minister is to assist the Priest in distributing Holy Communion to other members of the congregation during the Mass. Greeters Greeters are responsible for greeting and welcoming Parishioners as they arrive for Mass and answering any questions they may have. They play a vital role in forming a visitor's first impression of our Church. Linens These volunteers care for the Altar linens and the Altar Servers’ vestments, assuring they are cleaned and pressed for Masses. |
The role of the Lectors is to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. They also make the announcements before Mass and lead the Universal Prayer. Ushers The primary role of the ushers is to welcome parishioners to Mass and help people find a seat. They assist anyone in the congregation who might need help. They also assist in the collection of donations at Mass. Mass Participation Trackers The primary role of Mass Participation Trackers is to ensure an accurate count of parishioners attending the Mass. |
Collection Counters
These volunteers are responsible for ensuring the weekend collection is counted and deposited each week. (Police Screening is required.) |
Funeral Mass Ministry
Assists the Presider with the Funeral Mass. Ensures Altar Servers and Eucharistic Ministers are available to serve. |
Funeral Lunch Committee
Volunteers who serve on this committee prepare and serve lunches for funerals in our Parish community. Volunteers are required for set-up, serving and clean-up. |